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Clean, Green, Safe, and Smart

Create a safer work environment and lower your carbon footprint

Put Sustainability and Environmental, Health & Safety Benefits at the Core of Machine Cutting

The supercritical carbon dioxide at the core of Pure-Cut® and Pure-Cut®+ solutions brings the sustainability and EH&S results that competitive organizations need in machine cutting applications. With Pure-Cut and Pure-Cut+, organizations can lower the carbon footprint of machine tooling systems and benefit from a chip evacuation process eliminates health and safety risks associated with traditional systems.


Employee Health & Safety

Eliminate machining induced risks of dermatitis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, various cancers and many other health problems.

water pollution

Clean Water and Oceans

Eliminate water pollution from machining, reduce dependence on oil.


Responsible Consumption

Utilizes recovered CO2 as a resource.

industry innovation

Industry Innovation

Support and create more productive, safer machining around the world.

Learn more about the technology and science behind Pure-Cut and Pure-Cut+ solutions.


Green Machining

Traditional cutting fluids create hazards for the environment and for workers. At Fusion Coolant Systems, we created an environmentally friendly replacement for cooling and lubrication that inherently performs better, too.


Better Conditions

We’re helping manufacturers ensure workers no longer breathe, handle, or interact with inherently contaminated fluids carrying heavy microbial and chemical risks:

Eliminate Harmful Chemicals:

Eliminate worker exposure to common metalworking fluid chemicals such as biocides, defoamers, chelating agents, and surfactants.

Choose Better Lubricants:

Use the optional lubricant that suits your application and workers best – from vegetable oil to synthetic ester to other worker-compatible lubricants.

Remove Occupational Hazards:

Remove the concerns of respiratory conditions and dermatologic issues NIOSH most commonly associated with exposure to traditional metalworking fluids.

Safer Factories

CO2 is inherently clean and used around the world as a cleaning fluid for difficult liquids in diverse applications ranging from semi-conductor fabrication to heavy equipment manufacturing. It has also won several presidential green chemistry awards. Pure-Cut and Pure-Cut+ use CO2 as a lubricant for advanced cooling and lubrication:

  • Meet or Exceed All OSHA Regulations: We meet or exceed all OSHA regulations regarding CO2 usage and follow industry standard safety best practices to ensure that CO2 levels will never approach dangerous levels in your facility. Redundant safeties have also been designed into all of our products and infrastructure to further safeguard the worker’s health and safety.


Environmental Impact

The path toward a more sustainable solution without sacrificing quality starts now, with your machine tools:

Recycle Resources:

Reuse CO2 from other applications, purchased from a gas supplier as recovered CO2 from exhaust smokestacks of industrial operations.

Reduce Carbon Footprint
Lower Carbon Footprint and Eliminate Water Waste:

Use recovered CO2 rather than using additional electricity to produce liquid nitrogen, pump water for aqueous metalworking fluids, or power inefficient shop air systems for air-in-oil lubrication.

Eliminate Downstream Pollution:

Precise and flexible enough to use only the exact lubricants needed, at lower rates than even today’s oil-in-air technology. Also reduces tool consumption and increases machine tool utilization and efficiency.

Get started with Fusion Coolant Systems